Catégorie : Scientific events / أحدات علمية
A conference by Dr. Hafed Abdouli, the Libyan Center for Archives and Historical Studies (Tripoli, Libya), next Wednesday (May 29 at 5.30 PM): “From Tripolitania to Tarabulus: new readings and datas regarding the transition from Antiquity to the Middle Ages”/ محاضرة د. حافظ العبدولي، المركز الليبي للمحفوظات والدراسات التاريخية (طرابلس، ليبيا) 29 مايو 2024 (5.30 م): من تريبوليتانيا إلى طرابلس. قراءات ومعطيات جديدة حول المرحلة الانتقالية بين العصرين القديم والوسيط
Dear friends and colleagues, the LibMed team is delighted to share the news that our friend Hafed Abdouli (University of Sfax, Tunisia) has been invited to deliver a talk at the Libyan Center for Archives and Historical Studies (Tripoli, Libya)...
Panel “New insights on medieval Libya” at the 5th GIS-MOMM — Congress on Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Lyon, 11 July 2023)
Last Tuesday, on July 11, five members from the LibMed team gathered in Lyon (France): Hafed Abdouli (University of Sfax, Tunisia), Inas Bubtana (University of Benghazi, Libya), Louis Fandre (University of Paris-1, France), Sébastien Garnier (University of Paris-1, France) and...
Panel “New insights on medieval Libya” at the 5th GIS-MOMM — Congress on Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (Lyon, 11 July 2023)
In Lyon (France), on July 11, five members of the LibMed team will give a panel dedicated to medieval Libya. Hafed Abdouli (University of Sfax, Tunisia), Inas Bubtana (University of Benghazi, Libya), Louis Fandre (University of Paris-1, France), Sébastien Garnier...
International symposium — Patrimoines en Libye et au Maghreb (Tunis, 19 and 20 June, 2023)
The LibMed team attended the international conference organized by IRMC Tunis to tackle many issues raised by the Libyan heritage (archaeological, manuscript and cultural). A workshop dedicated to the manuscript collections in Libya today followed at the National Library of...
International symposium (Tunis, 19-20 June 2023) — Situations contemporaines des patrimoines archéologiques, manuscrits et culturels en Libye et au Maghreb : des richesses à préserver ?
The official website of the conference L’IRMC organise, les 19 et 20 juin 2023 à Tunis, le colloque « Situations contemporaines des patrimoines archéologiques, manuscrits et culturels en Libye et au Maghreb : des richesses à préserver ? ». Ce colloque...
S. Garnier and A. Montel will talk about « La Libye vue du Sud. Perspectives historiques et historiographiques sur Ghadamès à l’époque médiévale », in Paris on Friday, March 10 (10.00 AM)
The seminar Mondes sahariens : sources, espaces, sociétés, VIIIe-XIXe siècle organized by the team SaharaMed has invited Sébastien Garnier and Aurélien Montel (LibMed) to talk about Ghadames in the Medieval Period. Here is the videoconference link for those who...
Le collectif “LibMed” : pourquoi et comment revisiter l’histoire de la Libye médiévale
Sébastien Garnier and Aurélien Montel had the pleasure to expose what LibMed is to a large audience at the séminaire “Actualités de la recherche en histoire et archéologie de l’Islam médiéval” (Paris, Sorbonne). Among the many guests, Dr. Salah Agab...
Wednesday, February 1 — at 5.00 PM (CET time) — Sébastien Garnier and Aurélien Montel will present the LibMed project at the Sorbonne University, Paris
Invited by the Séminaire de l’équipe Islam médiéval of Orient et Méditerranée (UMR 8167),, S. Garnier and A. Montel will talk about “Le collectif Libmed: pourquoi et comment revisiter l’histoire de la Libye médiévale”, on Wednesday, February 1, at...
The libraries of Nafusa. Documentation and digitization of the written material heritage in the Jebel Nafusa, Libya.
Thursday, 8 December 2022 at 12pm EDT / 4pm GMT / 6pm EETvia ZoomEnglish simultaneous interpretation will be available مكتبات نفوسةتوثيق ورقمنة التراث المادي المكتوب في جبل نفوسة، ليبيا الخميس ٨ ديسمبر٢٠٢٢ الساعة ١٢ مساءً بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة ٤ مساءً بتوقيت غرينتش/ ٦ مساءً...